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Food Art
With clean hands (seriously, go wash your hands first) create art by arranging food items. Be sure to take a picture of your creations before you eat the food or put everything away. Have fun! Orange Rose Captain Pineapple Portrait Turtle Nayla, the Nutella Crepe. Created at breakfast by my 6 year old daughter. It's a Grape House Artist Connection : Guiseppe Arcimboldo was an Italian painter best know for making imaginative portraits by painting items such as fruits, vegetables, plants, and flowers. Guiseppe Arcimboldo, Vertumnus , 1590-1591 Guiseppe Arcimboldo, Summer , 1563
Linear Perspective
Create the illusion of depth by drawing using linear perspective techniques. 1. Draw a horizon line and a vanishing point. 2. Draw a diagonal line from the bottom edge of the paper to the vanishing point. This will become one side of a road, railroad tracks, a river, or anything else you want to draw. 3. Add another diagonal line evenly spaced from the bottom of edge of the paper to the vanishing point. 4. If you are making a road, draw the center line. Important: I was unable to do this with the digital drawing program I was using, however you should make the line closest to the bottom of the page long, the next line a little shorter, and so on. The lines closest to the vanishing point will just be dots. 4. Draw an ordinary shape. There is nothing 3-D about this shape yet. I am going to draw a house. You could make a house, building, railroad station, barn, cabin, skyscraper, library, school, etc. 5. Add a tria...
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