Linear Perspective

Create the illusion of depth by drawing using linear perspective techniques. 

 1. Draw a horizon line and a vanishing point.
2. Draw a diagonal line from the bottom edge of the paper to the vanishing point. This will become one side of a road, railroad tracks, a river, or anything else you want to draw. 

3. Add another diagonal line evenly spaced from the bottom of edge of the paper to the vanishing point.

 4. If you are making a road, draw the center line. Important: I was unable to do this with the digital drawing program I was using, however you should make the line closest to the bottom of the page long, the next line a little shorter, and so on. The lines closest to the vanishing point will just be dots.

 4. Draw an ordinary shape. There is nothing 3-D about this shape yet. I am going to draw a house. You could make a house, building, railroad station, barn, cabin, skyscraper, library, school, etc.

 5. Add a triangle if you want a triangular roof.

 6. Whatever shape you have drawn, connect the closest corners to the vanishing point.

 7. End your building by drawing parallel lines between the lines that connect to the vanishing point.

 8. Erase the sections you do not need.

9. Add details like a door, windows, etc. If you decide to put details on the edge of the building. Start with a vertical line. Connect the top and bottom of the line to the vanishing point, and then end with a vertical line. This will make your windows or doors look like they are part of the building.

 10. Draw another shape. I am drawing a tall building.
11. Connect the closest corners to the vanishing point.

 12. End the building with a vertical line.

 13. Erase the sections of lines that you do not need in your picture.

 14. To add details, just draw lines on the front of the building.  I decided to draw horizontal lines.

 15. Connect each line that touches the edge of the front of the building to the vanishing point.

16. Erase your diagonals and you are done with the illusion! You can add more details and color.  Have fun creating an illusion of space or depth in your drawings!


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