Sandpaper Shading

Sandpaper Shading


  • Pencil
  • Sandpaper
  • Cloth (like an old sock, cleaning rag, or a scrap of fabric) 
  • Eraser

1. Grate the pencil on the sandpaper to create graphite dust. Be careful not to breathe the dust.

2. Carefully rub the graphite into the paper using the fabric.

3. Add as much graphite to the paper as you want.  Continue to rub in the graphite after you grate it on to the paper.

2. Draw with your eraser. If you make a mistake, just rub with the cloth. You might need to add more graphite dust and rub again.

3. Add shading and details with pencil, ebony pencil, and/or charcoal pencil. You can add highlights with your eraser.

Artist Connection:
Adonna Khare is an artist who uses pencils to draw lifelike image of animals.  I learned this technique in a workshop with Adonna Khare. She taught a group of art teachers how to use her sandpaper shading technique.

Adonna working on a pencil mural for the "Walk in the Clouds" exhibit.
SCV News | April 16: Carbon Art by Adonna Khare -
Adonna Khare, Elephants, 2012 Art Prize Winner, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 8'x35', Graphite on paper


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