Salt and Glue

Here are 3 techniques to use glue and salt in creative ways in your art. 

Glue, Salt, and Watercolor
1. Create lines or outlines with glue.

2. Sprinkle salt all over the glue. Regular salt works great (we only had mineral salt at home).

 3. Gently shake salt into a container. You may need to tap the back gently.

 4. Add watercolor directly to the salty glue. Watercolor should be watery.

5. Continue painting. Notice how the color will spread along the salty glue.
 6. Let dry.

Watercolor and Salt
1. Paint with watercolor and sprinkle on a little salt.

2. Add a little more salt.

3. Let dry. Brush off salt once dry.

Glue lines with chalk 
1. Draw with glue.

2. Add a background.

3. Let dry for a few hours or overnight.

4. Once dry, add color with chalk.

5. Blend with your finger.

6. Continue adding color with chalk.
7. Blend with your finger.

8. Finsihed!


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